Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Making of "Just for One Night" - Music Video

"Just for One Night" - Music Video

In case you haven't seen it yet. Here is our latest video for "Just for One Night".
I came up with the idea to do this video based on the reality dating game shows. I thought that the ultimate question of, "Would you stay with me, just for one night?", reminded me of the quest to find the perfect mate, as seen on the popular dating game shows. Therefore, I decided to take a stab at mocking the more recent, "Rock of Love" with Bret Michaels. From there, I thought that it would be cool to meld into another dating game show from a differnt era, and so I came up with the vintage, "Dating Game", from the late 60's and early 70's.

After solidifying my two parody subjects, I had to try and figure out how to blend them into one consisten idea that would make sense. So, I came up with a sort of classic dream scenario, where you wouldn't really know it was a dream until the end.
I began to storyboard the ideas and scenes from my imagination on to paper. I enlisted the incredibly talented, "9 Time Emmy Award Winner", director/videographer, Bart Bishoff, to film and edit the video. We had worked on a video for, "Take Me Away" a few years back, and had such a great time. However, this was going to be the first actual concept video we would do together.

The entire video was shot in about 2 1/2 days, at "The Chateau Motel". We started filming around 11:30pm on a Friday night, after picking Bart up from LAX. We filmed the live band performances until about 4am. Saturday was the big day of shooting. We started filming the "Dating Game" sequence at about 1pm. We had a great time doing these scenes! In fact we plan to do a full remake with only the Dating game characters. We were totally blessed with a grand performance by our wonderful friend, Erin Ennis" as our bachelorette. I was also very impressed at how well the band portrayed their rather interesting characters. We finished everything up by about 4pm. By this time, the Chateau Motel, was full of a plethora of beautiful "Buck of Love" girls.

After everyone grabed a beer from the keg, we had to hurry down to our street corner to film the chase scene... and yes, the only way to really shoot a music video with a lot of extras, is to supply a keg of beer! The chase scene would be the first filmed sequence for all the girls. We had to hurry, because we were almost out of daylight. This was a lot fun to shoot. The band took of around the street corner, and then a few seconds later 18 beautiful women came running around the same corner screaming and yelling. For a moment, I was taken back to what it must have been like to have been a member of the Beatles, of course on a very small scale. This running and screaming really broke the ice for the girls. They had a blast, and after we did a few takes, it was time to go back inside, and gear up for the "Bret Michaels - Buck of Love" sequence.

The first time I opened up the door to make my entrance as "Bret Michaels" the girls went absolutely wild. Seriously! They were so loud that I thought my ear drums were going to burst. It sort of freaked out everyone that was on the set. It was a classic moment, and one that I will never forget. As we continued shooting the scene, the magic energy started to take over. In the script, I was supposed to start putting the "Buck of Love" VIP passes around each girls neck, however during the first take, I held up the passes, and the girls started snatching them out of my hand like savages. At one point the passes got tangled up, so I just sort of threw them in the air, and the girls went wild fighting over them on the ground. It was awesome. I never would have thought of doing it that way from a script perspective. The amazing energy and creativity from all the girls truly made that scene work and so much fun!

After the "Buck of Love" Stuff, we went back into the garge to shoot the Band with all he girls, that was a busy moment for me, I had 3 wardrobe changes in rapid succesion. If you look closely, you can still se my "Bret Michaels" Eye liner stayed on, even when I was back to my normal character. By this time, everyone was really feeling the party. We shot until about 11:30pm ,and then called it a night.

On Sunday, we finished up the bedroom scenes, and the bathroom "transformation into Bret Michaels" sequence, as well as the "Buck of Love" girls watching the Dating game show on Tv with Bret. The biggest challenge of Sunday, was by far shooting the Van crash. Especially with limited daylight. We shot it in many different angles so that Bart could shave options when editing it together. I will have to admit, I was a little scared running in front of a moving van. My wife, Caroline, was the driver, which is even more scary... ha. We had four people on the look out at the intersections checking for traffic. In order for it to work, she had to speed through the stop signs. Then we shot a few takes with her slamming on the breaks, as we ran in front of the van, hopeing that she would stop in time without actually hitting us. The whole time I was thinking, is this how it's gonna end. I see the headlines now... "Band gets hit by van while filming a video". It was pretty crazy. However, after a lot of editing, (Thank you Bart)! and experimentaiton with different techniques and effects, we sort of pulled it off.

I'm so proud of all of the efforts that went into making this video! We had so much love from so many people. It was a really ambitious video to make, expecially with absolutely NO BUDGET. It shows that when you put your mind to something, and you can get a team of people to get behind it, you can accomplish anything. So, THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this video! THANK YOUto all of you who have watched it! THANK YOU to everyone who has passed it along to your friends. Much love!

1 comment:

  1. Hello my Brother!
    I love your new blog (Website) spot! I am looking forward to partying with You, Joel, Chris and Mark (Mr. Deebs) next weekend at The Warehouse!! Lets get Pizza Pie Eyed!!! Yes!

    Come this summer when you guys come back, make sure you-all make time for T-Bones!!
    Continue Spreading the Love!
    As always my friend!
    Bang Bong!!
    Blaine Norton

    P.S. I am putting The Subways in the mail tomorrow.


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