Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Potato Museum Adventure

A visit to the Idaho Potato Museum

We just got back from a tour of Idaho, the great potato state. We had a little down time on our drive from Pocatello, Idaho to Idaho Falls. We saw some signs on the interstate that pointed to the "Potato Expo" in Blackfoot, Idaho. So, we decided to take the exit and learn more about potatoes. Here are a couple of videos that I editied down during our adventure at the Potato Museum. While filming this we decided that we would give away a special Potato Museum souvenir. After carefull thought, I purchased a cool shot glass with a little potato character on the outside named "Baker".

So, here is what you have to do to win. There will only be 1 winner, since I only have one shot glass to give away.

Here is the question:

What is the total number of times the words : Potato / Potatoes / Tater / Taters are used througout both videos.

So, basically count the number of times we say all the words above. I'm looking for 1 total number. So don't count them seperately.

The first person to email me the correct answer will win the shot glass.

I'll give you a hint. We use those words a lot! Good luck!

Email your answer to:

Enjoy the videos. There will be more videos of our Idaho trip added soon.

Part 1: The Adventure at the Potato Museum

Part 2: The Adventure at the Potato Museum

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